Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015

Periods 1/2 and 3/4:
Students are finishing up our unit on adding and subtracting rational numbers. Tomorrow we will have our test on lessons 1 through 9. Tonight students should be going over the study guide as well as looking through the notes from those lessons. During the days leading up to Thanksgiving break we will be practicing our multiplication and division facts to help us get ready for the next unit. After Thanksgiving break students will be learning how to multiply and divide rational numbers.

Period 8:
Students finished up our unit on exponents and scientific notation. These are topics that will be reviewed periodically throughout the rest of the school year. Exponents will be applied to other topics as well. Our next unit is all about solving algebraic equations. Yesterday students learned how to solve one step equations. Tomorrow they will learn how to solve two step equations. There will be a quiz on 1-step and 2-step equations on Tuesday, November 24th. Students received a handout that lists the upcoming topics in our Equations Unit.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Property Packet

In Math classes periods 1/2 and 3/4 their homework is to finish the packet on Algebra Properties. This packet is due Friday. Below are pictures of our classroom textbook that students can use to help them finish the packet.

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015

I hope everyone is enjoying their day off! If you're getting bored and tired of watching tv then check out some of the fun websites listed below! Also read about what we will be doing this upcoming week! See everyone tomorrow!

Periods 1/2 and 3/4 - Tomorrow we will play another integer card game that will help us understand how to subtract integers. You will also be getting a new notes packet for lessons 6 through 9. We will be having a quiz on Thursday. 

The quiz will cover lessons 1 through 6: 
Zero Pairs
Additive Inverses
Absolute Value
Modeling Addition on a Number Line
Adding Integers and Rational Numbers without a Number Line
Subtracting Integers without a Number Line

Period 8 -  REMINDER: SCIENTIFIC NOTATION PROJECT DUE TOMORROW! Please turn in your rubric along with your project when you come to class tomorrow. This week we will practice writing numbers into proper scientific notation form and we will learn how to add and subtract numbers when they are written in scientific notation form. There will be a quiz on Wednesday. I will give you a quiz review tomorrow in class to start on and you will finish it for homework.

The quiz will cover the following topics:
Converting numbers to standard form and scientific notation form
Ordering and Comparing Numbers that are in scientific notation form
Writing Numbers in Proper Scientific Notation
Multiplying and Dividing Numbers in Scientific Notation
Review of Exponent Properties

Fun Games to Check Out:

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Periods 1/2 and 3/4: Last week we finished up how to add integers using a number line with a focus on additive inverses. Yesterday students learned rules on how to find the sum of integers without using a number line. Today students practiced and applied those rules to rational numbers as well. We will continue practicing on adding rational numbers without using a number line for the rest of this week. Next week we will begin our lesson on how to subtract integers and rational numbers.

Period 8: Yesterday students learned how to order and compare numbers that are written in scientific notation. The key rule was to look at the exponents. Today they took a quick check on ordering and comparing as well as learn how to multiply numbers written in scientific notation. Tomorrow we will practice multiplication as well as division. We will practice and apply this skill for the remainder of the week. REMINDER: scientific notation project due October 13th!

Period 9: Students are working on solving one step equations involving all four operations. We will continue to work on this for the remainder of the week. Other topics that will be covered in their math class and reinforced in my class are simplifying expressions and the distributive property along with solving two step equations.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Periods 1/2 and 3/4 - We have started our new unit on integers and rational numbers. Last week we learned about zero pairs and how to graph them on the number line. Zero pairs are additive inverses (opposites) that when added together will have a sum of zero.


-9 +9 = 0        5 + (-5) = 0        11 + (-11) = 0

This week we will be learning how to use the number to model addition of integers. The main concept to remember is that positive numbers mean to count up which represents moving to the right on the number line and negative numbers mean to count down which represents moving to the left on the number line. We will also apply this to real world situation such as withdrawing or depositing money into a bank account, golf scores, football plays, temperature and elevation.

Period 8 - Last week we finished up our notes on exponent properties and Friday we took our quiz. This week we will learn how to write numbers in scientific notation and how to convert from scientific notation form to standard form. There will be a project presented to the kids towards the end of the week that will be due next week. Next week we will begin to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers when written in scientific notation form.

Period 9 - Students are continuing to work on scientific notation skills along with exponent properties and decimal operations.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Review for Upcoming Quiz

Below are some websites to check out! All of these websites are great resources to help you get ready for your upcoming quiz on Friday, September 18, 2015.

Periods 1/2 and 3/4:

Rounding and Place Value:
Order of Operations:
Multiplying Whole Numbers:
Long Division:
Decimal Operations:
Fraction Operations:
Coordinate Planes:

Period 8:


Friday, September 4, 2015

After Labor Day Weekend

No homework over Labor Day Weekend!!! Everyone enjoy the holiday!

Below are some things to get ready for next week.
I hope to see everyone at Open House Tuesday Night!

Periods 1/2 and 3/4:

Tuesday - Quick Check on Reference Sheets 1-6. You can use your reference sheets so bring them to class. Notes and practice on multiplying and dividing fractions.

Wednesday - Reference Sheet 7: Number Lines and Coordinate Planes. Plotting Points on a coordinate plane practice.

Thursday - Quiz on all 7 reference sheets. Bring your reference sheets to class because you may use them on the quiz.

Friday - Finish warm up packet. Order of Operations Movement practice.

Period 8:

Tuesday - go over Friday's quiz on Order of Operations, Integers and Exponents. Create an exponent foldable. We will be learning 8 new rules about exponents over the next couple of weeks. This unit will also include scientific notation.

Wednesday - Learn and practice first 3 exponent rules

Thursday - Practice first 3 exponent rules

Friday - Order of Operations Movement practice/review.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Upcoming Topics

Hi guys! I hope the first couple days of seventh grade have gone smoothly for you! I just wanted to give you a heads up of some upcoming topics we will be covering.

Periods 1/2 and 3/4:
For the next two weeks we will be reviewing math skills from previous grades. These are pre-requisite skills that students should have in order to be successful this year in math. The skills will be: Order of Operations, Place Value, Rounding, Multiplying Whole Numbers, Long Division, Decimal Operations, Fraction Operations, Number Lines and the Coordinate Plane. In the next two weeks in class, students will be creating their own reference sheets for these topics. Once the reference sheets are complete students will bring them to math class everyday to refer to if they forget how to perform one of the skills. There will be a quiz on all of these skills on September 9th . Students will be able to use their reference sheets on the quiz.

Period 8:
The upcoming unit will cover Exponents, Exponent Operations, Negative Exponents and Scientific Notation. There is no tentative test date for this unit as of now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Week of School!

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to school and welcome to 7th grade! Visit this blog on a daily/weekly basis to keep up with what is going on in Ms. Murray's math class. You will find weekly agendas, homework assignments, reminders, helpful websites or videos and sometimes extra credit opportunities! I look forward to getting to know all of you this school year! We are going to have fun and learn a lot!!!!!!!! Here's a look ahead to what we will be doing this week in class.

Periods 1/2, 3/4 and 8: 

Wednesday students will learn lunch room procedures, receive locker assignments, meet all of their new teachers and learn junior high procedures and rules. In math class we will only have time to play some "icebreaker" games.

Thursday students will run through their normal daily schedule. In math class we will go over the welcome packet, syllabus and assignment notebook and then they will be given a fun group challenge to work out. Each student will create a goal they wish to achieve for first quarter. HOMEWORK: get parent/guardian signature on syllabus and discipline sign off sheet

Friday students will take the first quarter benchmark assessment on adding and subtracting rational numbers and solving one step equations. We will then go over classroom procedures/rules and students will be introduced to the Google Doodle Classroom Challenge. HOMEWORK: work on Google Doodle